News AnalysisNews Analysis,
News Analysis,
China’s insurance industry is undergoing transformation as the authorities try to reign in the speculative practices of some players.
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
The gross retail banking income for the entire region will grow by 8% by the end of 2017 after showing a year-on-year growth of 7.5%…
Phang Yew Kiat, vice chairman and CEO of Credit China, one of the largest publicly listed peer-to-peer lenders in China, described…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
With more than 70% of Southeast Asia being unbanked, fintech possesses tremendous potential to widen financial inclusion and spur economies.…
Paul Cobban, chief operating officer, technology and operations at DBS Bank, describes the technologies that are making a big impact…
H.E. Rasheed M. Al-Maraj, governor of the Central Bank of Bahrain, in his keynote address during the Middle East & Africa Fintech Forum…
Chris Skinner, author and fintech commentator,, discusses the challenges faced by start-up banks in the UK. Aside from…
“Emmanuel Daniel, founder of The Asian Banker, in a rather straightforward speech to the heads of technology of banks in Singapore…
Mark Zawacki, founder of Silicon Valley based fintech accelerator 650 Labs, discusses the latest developments and technology trends…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
Basel regulators are trying to finalise changes on how to calculate banks’ risky assets. But US and Europe are at loggerheads about…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
Emirates NBD’s efforts towards digitisation have enabled customers to bank with more ease through new account propositions. From Shake…
Chris Skinner, author and fintech commentator,, discusses the 11 key trends that will shape bank technology in 2017.
Petri Nikkilä, executive vice president and head of strategy and segments at Nordea Bank, discusses how the bank is leveraging technology…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
Robotics, enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning, is proving to be a game changer that can bring unique operational…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
Financial institutions are starting to use APIs to create important linkages between their products and services and their customers…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
Fintech, the latest buzzword in the peer-to-peer lending sector, has carved a niche for itself in a short span of time. As banks tighten…
Vijay Shekhar Sharma, founder of Paytm, discusses the company's business model and growth plan, its partnership with Alibaba, and the…
Takeshi Ohashi, general manager and head of Mizuho Bank’s global transaction banking business shares his views on the challenges of…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
Mobile payments are expected to surge in the next few years, driven by technology and analytics. However, banks are facing tough challenges…
Eddie Chau, co-founder and chairman of V-Key, a start-up that is looking at making the digital space a more secure environment for…
Having recently spent time with some 40 Vietnamese bankers at a fintech workshop as part of "The Future of Finance Vietnam, 2017" by…
On 13th January 2018, the new European Directive on Payment Services “(EU) 2015/2366” comes into application. With just under a year…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
DBS Group’s retail and wealth business has been accelerating income generation since 2013. However, the bank continues to face an uphill…
Research NoteResearch Note,
Research Note,
Customised financial advice had, for many years, been available almost exclusively to private banking clients or to the mass affluent.…