Technological innovation is disrupting every aspect of today's financial system, but it could also break new ground in the world's transformation toward sustainable development, according to UN Environment's latest report, "Fintech and Sustainable Development: Assessing the Implications".
Financial technology, known as 'fintech' - including innovations such as mobile payment platforms, high-frequency trading, crowdfunding, virtual currencies, and blockchain - threaten the viability of today's financial sector business models, and the policies and regulations that have shaped modern finance. But in combination, these innovations - given the speed, breadth and depth of their disruptive impact - could also be harnessed to better align financing with sustainable development.
Turmoil and transition guarantee that tomorrow's financial system will be very different, and fintech innovations are putting finance at the core of an increasingly automated global economy with seamless two-way communication. This greater decentralization for financial transactions could in turn help increase the provision of finance for sustainable development, the report finds.
The report is a companion to the second edition of "The Financial System We Need" by UN Environment's Financial Inquiry and assesses how the financial system's core functions are likely to be disrupted by fintech innovations and how they could help - or hinder - efforts to align financing with sustainable development. The report considers ways to:
The report also presents an innovative analysis of how advances in three digital technologies - blockchain, machine learning and artificial intelligence (MLAI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) - could lead to revolutionary innovations for building trust, transparency and traceability for financial transactions and make tomorrow's financial system far more efficient in mobilizing green finance.
Simon Zadek, co-director of UN Environment's Inquiry, said: "The overlap between environment and finance is more obvious than ever. The solutions that fintech promises could not only revolutionize the financial sector but bolster global efforts to safeguard our environment."
Action is needed now to shape the emerging direction of fintech. The report therefore includes some key steps for the 'fintech for sustainable development' journey, such as:
Re-disseminated by The Asian Banker