Singapore - Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, is delivering its bio-sourced Optelio EMV bank card to Banco Popular Dominicano, the leading bank in Dominican Republic. The green banking card is manufactured from renewable PLA* material derived from corn and allows Banco Popular to reduce the ecological footprint while ensuring an artistic, high quality product for cardholders.
The card is distributed by Gemalto's local reseller Secumatic and it is issued with the "FCB Escola de Santo Domingo" football school. The card provides customers with value added benefits including discounts on sporting event tickets and deals at major restaurants and hotels.
"Banco Popular Dominicano is committed to sustainability and Gemalto, as a long-term signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, stood out as the best partner to support us," said Austria Gómez, Bank Cards Vice President of Banco Popular Dominicano. "Banco Popular is demonstrating a new paradigm for commerce that
values sustainability as a way to improve business, increase competitiveness and contribute to boost customer satisfaction."
"The bio sourced banking cards demonstrate our ongoing commitment to using materials and production processes that have a reduced environmental impact," said Rodrigo Serna, President for Latin America at Gemalto. "Furthermore, these innovative cards are delivered in an eco-friendly packaging made from recycled paper and printed with vegetable inks."
* Made from polylactic acid (PLA), a plastic substitute, Gemalto's bio-sourced card is non-petroleum based, biodegradable and recyclable, and is also non-toxic if incinerated.
Re-disseminated by The Asian Banker