The Asian Banker Tuesday, 11 February 2025

The Largest Banks Rankings

2020 2019

This year’s evaluation covers the 100 largest Islamic banks and financial holding companies (banks) from 25 countries. The 100 largest Islamic banks combined had $1.11 trillion in total assets, $721 billion in net loans, $824 billion in customer deposits and $12.7 billion in net profit. The aggregate total assets of these banks increased by 12%, while aggregate net profit slid by 15%.

Saudi Arabia-based Al Rajhi Bank topped the ranking of the largest Islamic banks in the world, with total assets up by 22% to $125 billion in 2020. It generated $2.8 billion in net profit in 2020, which accounted for 26% of the total net profit of the 100 Islamic banks.

The top 10 banks’ ranking of the largest Islamic banks remained almost the same, with the exception of CIMB Islamic Bank, which moved up one notch to ninth spot, while Al Baraka Banking Group dropped to tenth place. Dubai Islamic Bank and Kuwait Finance House maintained their second and third places respectively. In fourth place is Maybank Islamic, which remained the largest Islamic bank in Asia.

Malaysia had the most Islamic banks on the list, followed by Indonesia, Bahrain and Bangladesh. Malaysia also held the largest share of total assets at 21.8%, while Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait and Qatar accounted for 19.5%, 14.1%, 11.4% and 11% of the aggregate total assets respectively. Saudi Arabia had the notably greater share of net profit, at 34.3%, followed by Qatar (16.4%), the UAE (12%) and Malaysia (11.8%). Out of the 100 Islamic banks, 42 are from Asia. These banks held 29% of the aggregate total assets of the 100 largest Islamic banks, but only generated 16% of the aggregate net profit.

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Islamic Bank Rank 2021 Islamic Bank Rank 2020 Bank Country Assets Net Loans Deposits Shareholder's Equity Net Interest Income Total Operating Income Operating Expenses Operating Profit Net Profit Operating Return on Assets (%) Return on Loan to Deposit Ratio (%) Cost to Income Ratio (%) NII to Total Operating Income (%) Equity to Assets Ratio (%) Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) Loan Loss Reserves to Gross NPLs (%) Gross NPL Ratio (%) Liquid Assets to Total Deposits and Borrowings (%)
$million % Change $million % Change Rank $million % Change Rank $million Rank $million % Change Rank $million % Change Rank $million % Change $million % Change Rank $million % Change Rank Equity (%) Assets (%) Tier 1 Total
11Al Rajhi BankSaudi Arabia124,970 22.1 84,156 26.4 16 101,994 22.5 24 15,492 1 4,507 3.0 57 5,522 6.3 54 1,797 5.6 3,726 6.7 54 2,824 4.3 29 3.4 20.1 2.5 82.5 32.5 18.4 12.4 18.0 19.1 305.6 0.76 27.8
22Dubai Islamic Bank UAE78,834 24.9 53,919 30.2 14 56,065 25.2 19 11,743 2 1,824 6.2 52 2,578 2.2 63 743 15.7 1,836 -2.4 68 860 -38.1 63 2.4 8.1 1.1 96.2 28.8 29.3 14.9 17.3 18.5 76.9 6.18 16.2
33Kuwait Finance HouseKuwait70,687 10.9 35,332 13.4 41 50,354 13.0 47 6,908 3 2,001 15.8 33 2,591 -2.3 73 966 0.8 1,625 -4.1 70 600 -29.6 59 2.4 8.7 0.9 70.2 37.3 22.8 9.8 16.0 17.5 217.0 2.32 46.0
44Maybank IslamicMalaysia63,509 4.2 50,679 7.3 58 47,056 4.0 76 2,968 11 1,118 8.8 47 1,239 7.9 48 480 11.2 759 5.9 55 360 -39.8 68 1.3 13.3 0.6 107.7 38.7 9.8 4.7 15.0 18.1 123.9 1.19 11.9
55Qatar Islamic Bank Qatar47,893 6.6 32,708 4.7 67 32,453 5.8 72 6,374 5 944 16.2 32 1,494 12.6 35 300 -0.9 1,194 16.6 36 831 1.3 32 2.6 13.7 1.8 100.8 20.1 36.8 13.3 18.2 19.4 232.2 1.37 12.7
66Alinma BankSaudi Arabia41,817 19.0 29,640 17.3 28 31,842 17.0 33 6,512 4 1,239 7.5 49 1,529 2.5 60 565 2.0 965 2.8 59 524 -22.4 53 2.5 8.4 1.4 93.1 36.9 19.0 15.6 18.2 19.3 114.5 2.49 15.2
77Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank UAE34,799 1.5 22,709 2.8 73 27,573 -0.1 84 5,217 6 1,089 -9.1 79 1,459 -9.4 86 667 -7.7 792 -10.9 77 437 -38.3 64 2.3 8.6 1.3 82.4 45.7 25.4 15.0 17.7 18.8 52.0 8.80 24.2
88Masraf Al Rayan Qatar33,269 13.8 23,619 14.9 36 18,931 5.0 74 4,008 8 512 34.9 16 887 11.6 37 191 5.4 696 13.5 42 599 -0.3 35 2.3 15.9 1.9 124.8 21.5 42.3 12.0 19.6 20.3 93.8 1.13 13.0
910CIMB Islamic Bank Malaysia28,935 9.1 21,130 7.5 57 24,648 11.6 54 1,750 18 482 13.3 38 557 11.3 38 224 0.2 333 20.3 32 118 -37.4 62 1.3 7.3 0.4 85.7 40.2 13.5 6.0 14.1 16.8 65.1 1.74 20.2
109Al Baraka Banking Group Bahrain28,163 7.3 13,456 4.7 66 22,187 6.7 69 2,222 14 539 17.7 26 1,140 17.8 26 560 -1.4 579 45.1 17 166 -7.9 40 2.1 7.3 0.6 60.6 49.2 52.7 7.9 14.1 16.0 89.3 6.86 27.9
1111Bank Rakyat Malaysia27,807 1.8 18,932 6.9 59 21,294 2.1 83 5,213 7 813 6.4 51 869 4.3 55 346 12.1 523 -0.2 64 232 -14.8 48 2.0 4.8 0.9 88.9 39.8 6.4 18.7 22.7 24.6 136.5 1.94 25.1
1213Bank AlBiladSaudi Arabia25,521 11.3 18,690 18.3 25 19,073 6.6 70 2,860 12 877 16.6 29 1,136 8.0 47 551 2.5 585 13.8 40 359 8.4 26 2.4 13.6 1.5 98.0 48.5 22.7 11.2 14.2 17.9 279.7 1.17 21.2
1312Bank AlJaziraSaudi Arabia24,547 6.4 14,384 8.7 54 18,127 8.5 63 3,029 10 637 16.5 30 876 9.9 40 452 -0.9 424 24.3 27 9 -96.6 83 1.8 0.3 0.0 79.4 51.6 27.3 12.3 19.4 23.6 176.6 2.21 9.2
1414Dukhan Bank Qatar23,705 11.9 16,079 12.7 43 14,801 12.5 49 3,160 9 471 97.8 6 748 49.1 6 206 4.8 542 77.5 9 156 -25.9 57 2.4 4.9 0.7 108.6 27.5 37.0 13.3 15.2 16.4 83.3 3.38 14.3
1517RHB Islamic Bank Malaysia21,621 13.2 16,619 10.8 47 15,136 11.8 53 1,275 23 275 16.7 28 325 13.8 33 100 5.7 225 17.8 34 81 -43.4 69 1.2 6.9 0.4 109.8 30.7 15.3 5.9 14.9 18.0 122.1 0.65 14.4
1615Kuveyt Turk Katilim BankasiTurkey21,302 45.1 10,438 36.2 11 16,946 43.0 10 1,081 25 939 71.4 8 1,120 25.0 21 525 17.0 595 32.9 24 246 34.2 16 3.0 23.6 1.2 61.6 46.9 16.2 5.1 15.0 20.1 183.4 3.58 43.4
1716Boubyan Bank Kuwait21,162 21.4 15,856 26.1 18 16,791 17.5 32 2,060 17 452 16.3 31 537 13.8 34 244 21.7 293 8.0 52 109 -46.5 71 1.5 5.3 0.5 94.4 45.4 15.7 9.7 15.6 16.9 228.7 1.12 25.1
1818Emirates Islamic Bank UAE19,214 8.9 11,111 8.8 53 12,763 3.4 79 2,138 15 461 -9.9 80 568 -21.8 94 295 -3.8 273 -35.0 88 -131 P->L92 1.5 -5.9 -0.7 87.1 51.9 18.9 11.1 18.0 19.2 106.9 8.98 45.2
1921Bank Islam Malaysia Malaysia18,572 10.4 13,604 10.5 48 15,787 10.1 60 1,564 21 409 2.6 58 514 7.7 49 259 1.3 255 15.1 39 135 -10.0 41 1.6 9.5 0.8 86.2 50.4 20.4 8.4 14.7 19.8 248.6 0.67 29.3
2020Public Islamic Bank Malaysia17,807 3.9 13,481 8.9 52 15,382 4.1 75 1,350 22 269 11.7 40 323 18.3 24 112 1.7 211 29.5 25 92 -21.2 52 1.3 7.4 0.6 87.6 34.8 16.7 7.6 12.6 16.1 279.8 0.31 18.3
2119Qatar International Islamic Bank Qatar16,842 7.9 11,129 9.5 51 9,986 16.4 36 2,286 13 294 40.3 14 470 18.0 25 104 0.1 367 24.2 28 258 1.1 33 2.2 11.7 1.6 111.4 22.0 37.4 13.6 15.6 16.5 136.5 1.48 25.6
2224Islami Bank Bangladesh Bangladesh16,165 24.7 11,597 15.5 32 13,854 25.0 20 739 32 346 -4.2 72 475 -8.0 85 299 18.4 176 -33.2 87 56 -12.5 46 1.3 7.8 0.4 83.7 62.9 27.0 4.6 8.7 13.8 136.5 3.4 22.0
2323Sharjah Islamic Bank UAE14,593 15.5 7,969 16.4 30 9,150 23.0 21 2,082 16 180 4.6 53 333 -0.4 68 153 -4.1 180 3.0 57 110 -25.6 56 1.3 5.4 0.8 87.1 45.9 46.0 14.3 19.5 20.7 86.2 4.89 30.0
2422Ahli United Bank KuwaitKuwait14,366 0.4 10,236 3.1 72 9,889 11.5 55 1,654 20 245 -11.6 86 295 -15.4 90 109 -16.8 186 -14.5 78 97 -46.0 70 1.3 5.9 0.7 103.5 36.9 17.0 11.5 14.5 15.7 214.8 1.94 20.7
2527AmBank Islamic Malaysia12,813 13.7 8,551 10.9 45 10,107 19.9 29 912 29 223 8.1 48 243 3.3 58 95 -3.0 149 7.7 53 29 -63.7 77 1.3 3.2 0.3 84.6 38.8 8.3 7.1 12.1 16.7 136.3 1.69 33.0
2626MBSB Bank Malaysia11,553 -4.4 8,177 0.2 77 6,060 -3.6 86 1,684 19 340 20.4 24 396 31.8 16 101 21.0 295 36.0 21 66 -49.3 72 2.6 4.3 0.6 134.9 25.6 14.2 14.6 16.3 20.8 139.7 2.88 33.7
2725Warba Bank Kuwait11,425 10.5 8,210 10.4 49 7,737 38.0 12 921 28 151 2.1 61 257 31.8 15 86 16.7 171 41.0 19 18 -65.9 78 1.6 2.1 0.2 106.1 33.4 41.0 8.1 15.8 16.9 104.4 1.59 25.3
2828Turkiye Finans Katilim BankasiTurkey10,910 55.2 6,105 42.9 9 7,723 43.7 9 741 31 357 27.9 20 450 33.9 12 202 26.9 248 40.1 20 97 79.1 11 2.5 13.1 1.0 79.1 44.9 20.8 6.8 11.8 16.8 90.5 5.56 41.3
2935Meezan Bank Pakistan9,536 35.6 3,202 3.8 69 7,771 34.5 14 457 42 401 39.3 15 470 33.0 14 186 15.5 285 47.6 16 140 43.7 14 3.6 33.2 1.8 41.2 39.5 14.7 4.8 14.0 18.1 127.6 2.81 67.0
3029Hong Leong Islamic Bank Malaysia9,512 16.1 6,928 15.0 34 7,970 14.6 43 682 34 153 2.1 60 201 19.7 22 56 11.3 145 23.3 30 85 6.7 27 1.6 12.9 0.9 86.9 27.9 24.2 7.2 12.4 15.2 143.4 0.73 15.2
3131Albaraka Turk Katilim BankasiTurkey9,361 35.1 5,465 36.4 10 6,871 35.2 13 586 38 250 105.3 5 351 47.9 8 195 12.0 156 146.3 4 45 221.5 6 1.8 7.6 0.5 79.5 55.4 28.9 6.3 9.9 14.2 89.6 4.8 34.4
3230Kuwait International Bank Kuwait9,210 4.2 6,506 6.1 65 5,407 11.9 51 1,158 24 159 -7.3 77 208 -6.8 84 119 -8.4 89 -4.6 71 0 -99.3 85 1.0 0.0 0.0 120.3 57.4 23.5 12.6 16.7 22.1 107.0 2.43 29.7
3333Ithmaar Bank Bahrain8,215 3.9 4,507 -2.3 86 5,141 18.4 30 278 60 138 -33.1 93 231 4.1 56 192 6.8 38 -7.5 72 -29 P->L92 0.5 -8.7 -0.4 87.7 83.4 40.1 3.4 10.5 12.6 126.0 6.19 32.8
3437Ziraat Katilim BankasiTurkey8,104 65.4 5,683 45.6 8 5,632 64.3 7 503 40 297 51.1 12 361 47.0 9 104 41.7 257 49.2 15 92 23.6 19 3.8 18.5 1.4 100.9 28.9 17.7 6.2 13.3 14.7 97.6 2.72 30.1
3536Faisal Islamic Bank of EgyptEgypt7,417 11.9 657 2.2 74 6,150 12.6 48 972 26 424 3.0 56 446 3.7 57 186 -7.6 260 13.6 41 146 -17.3 50 3.7 15.7 2.1 10.7 41.7 5.0 13.1 29.7 31.4 n.a.n.a.54.8
3632Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam Brunei7,344 -9.1 3,042 0.3 76 5,095 -20.3 95 960 27 200 -6.5 75 228 -3.0 75 103 4.5 126 -8.4 75 99 -12.4 45 1.7 10.7 1.3 59.7 44.9 12.4 13.1 19.8 20.0 40.0 4.11 60.6
3740Vakif Katilim BankasiTurkey7,111 74.1 3,846 56.3 6 5,150 72.1 5 646 37 242 147.8 2 328 63.8 4 109 60.6 219 65.4 11 96 104.9 9 3.5 15.9 1.5 74.7 33.3 26.1 9.1 18.0 18.6 120.4 2.43 48.4
3838Jordan Islamic BankJordan6,833 8.9 4,805 16.3 31 5,794 7.3 68 699 33 184 -0.7 67 241 3.3 59 112 4.3 130 2.3 60 74 -4.1 39 2.0 11.1 1.1 82.9 46.3 23.8 10.2 23.3 23.7 281.7 2.90 23.0
3942Bank Muamalat Malaysia Malaysia6,412 12.9 4,508 14.2 38 5,350 13.5 45 660 36 141 32.3 17 173 33.9 11 112 24.5 61 55.9 13 41 74.9 12 1.1 6.9 0.7 84.3 64.9 18.5 10.3 15.5 18.0 98.3 1.06 32.2
40-Affin Islamic Bank Malaysia6,260 8.3 4,822 4.3 68 4,645 7.9 64 485 41 82 18.0 25 115 15.9 28 58 -6.3 57 53.1 14 14 -15.2 49 1.0 3.0 0.2 103.8 50.7 29.2 7.8 14.2 20.3 58.5 1.61 24.9
4141Al Salam Bank-Bahrain Bahrain6,003 10.7 3,408 19.4 24 4,219 20.0 28 746 30 146 43.0 13 157 8.2 45 80 0.8 77 17.1 35 24 -56.8 76 1.4 3.0 0.4 80.8 50.7 6.7 12.4 23.2 26.5 67.3 4.49 22.0
4239Ajman Bank UAE5,855 -9.0 4,618 -0.9 81 3,873 -4.7 87 681 35 121 26.4 22 167 -3.4 77 71 -5.2 96 -2.0 66 15 -36.7 61 1.5 2.2 0.2 119.2 42.5 27.7 11.6 14.9 16.0 64.4 8.44 20.0
4343First Security Islami Bank Bangladesh5,722 13.7 4,748 14.0 39 5,029 13.9 44 216 66 135 14.5 35 159 8.7 43 86 14.2 72 2.8 58 33 33.5 17 1.3 16.7 0.6 94.4 54.4 15.0 3.8 7.4 12.1 68.9 4.40 10.6
4444Export Import Bank of BangladeshBangladesh5,576 12.0 4,506 14.6 37 4,626 10.9 56 361 51 98 9.9 44 156 1.2 65 81 11.8 75 -8.1 74 33 18.2 22 1.4 9.4 0.6 97.4 51.9 36.8 6.5 8.5 13.3 83.0 3.81 9.7
4545Al-Arafah Islami Bank Bangladesh4,815 9.6 3,520 6.7 61 3,812 10.0 61 300 56 115 -4.2 73 158 -5.7 82 79 5.6 79 -14.9 79 30 5.9 28 1.7 10.4 0.6 92.3 50.2 27.2 6.2 9.7 16.0 88.3 3.81 17.3
4647Al Baraka Bank Egypt Egypt4,798 3.9 1,243 16.5 29 4,223 3.3 80 319 55 155 30.4 19 192 30.1 17 42 14.5 150 35.3 22 79 18.4 21 3.2 28.1 1.7 29.4 21.9 19.2 6.7 16.2 20.4 127.3 6.32 32.7
4750Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank - Egypt Egypt4,694 22.5 2,546 30.4 13 3,981 22.5 23 352 52 196 0.9 63 225 -1.4 71 85 -2.3 140 -0.8 65 76 -2.6 37 3.3 24.4 1.8 63.9 37.7 12.8 7.5 10.6 13.9 212.4 1.84 25.5
4848Kuwait Finance House (Bahrain)Bahrain4,660 5.1 2,668 10.0 50 3,884 7.6 66 444 44 63 -8.9 78 108 -16.2 92 64 -1.7 45 -30.6 85 40 -39.1 67 1.0 8.4 0.9 68.7 58.7 41.5 9.5 17.9 21.8 122.8 1.50 12.2
49-Bank of KhartoumSudan4,646 147.7 510 18.1 26 4,124 143.2 1 342 54 65 3.7 54 133 48.2 7 89 31.5 43 100.8 7 22 n.m.86 1.3 9.7 0.7 12.4 67.3 51.0 7.4 5.7 10.3 n.a.n.a.87.0
5046HSBC Amanah MalaysiaMalaysia4,588 -13.2 3,357 3.4 71 3,023 -8.8 90 505 39 110 -4.5 74 132 0.4 66 60 3.7 71 -2.2 67 22 -50.0 73 1.5 4.7 0.5 111.1 46.0 16.3 11.0 16.2 21.3 57.4 4.38 31.2
5149Social Islami Bank Bangladesh4,390 11.6 3,381 13.9 40 3,471 12.5 50 214 68 89 -19.4 89 123 -14.6 88 72 3.4 52 -31.2 86 18 2.7 30 1.3 8.8 0.5 97.4 58.1 27.7 4.9 8.5 13.6 72.8 6.07 13.3
5251OCBC Al-Amin BankMalaysia3,957 -8.6 2,798 -4.7 91 2,861 -8.7 89 436 46 84 3.5 55 103 2.3 61 44 -5.6 59 9.2 49 17 -56.3 75 1.5 4.2 0.4 97.8 43.0 17.8 11.0 17.2 19.8 58.2 5.30 32.2
53-Al Hilal Bank UAE3,845 -23.4 2,384 -12.4 94 2,606 -26.7 96 447 43 115 -32.1 92 132 -35.0 96 121 -31.9 11 -56.9 90 4 L->P87 0.2 0.8 0.1 91.5 91.9 12.5 11.6 16.7 17.7 86.4 2.86 38.7
5456Bank Muamalat IndonesiaIndonesia3,679 1.4 2,034 -2.8 87 2,974 2.6 82 285 59 56 114.5 3 98 33.3 13 92 -13.2 5 L->P93 1 -38.6 65 0.2 0.3 0.0 68.4 94.4 42.3 7.7 14.2 15.2 41.6 4.81 8.8
5557Islamic International Arab BankJordan3,587 10.6 1,250 10.8 46 3,121 11.8 52 345 53 101 -0.6 66 118 -3.0 74 55 3.2 63 -7.8 73 43 -11.5 44 1.9 13.3 1.3 40.1 46.3 14.1 9.6 22.2 22.4 129.3 3.01 36.8
5654Alliance Islamic BankMalaysia3,523 4.0 2,570 -0.3 79 2,962 3.8 77 290 58 78 9.4 45 85 6.4 53 31 0.2 54 10.4 46 2 -91.0 81 1.6 0.6 0.0 86.8 36.5 7.9 8.2 16.2 18.8 114.6 2.70 28.1
5758Shahjalal Islami Bank Bangladesh3,416 10.2 2,273 -0.9 82 2,505 7.6 67 215 67 65 -21.8 90 105 -15.6 91 57 1.2 49 -29.3 83 23 15.4 23 1.5 10.9 0.7 90.7 53.9 38.0 6.3 8.8 13.7 73.5 4.51 18.8
5855Bahrain Islamic Bank Bahrain3,216 -1.0 2,080 0.6 75 2,416 5.4 73 255 62 117 11.6 41 133 7.0 50 87 10.6 46 0.8 62 -33 P->L92 1.4 -11.6 -1.0 86.1 65.7 12.3 7.9 14.6 16.0 50.4 6.93 10.9
5959Bank Nizwa Oman3,133 16.6 1,791 6.8 60 2,401 15.9 38 415 49 45 14.1 36 102 18.9 23 52 12.8 49 26.1 26 29 8.7 25 1.7 7.2 1.0 74.6 51.5 55.6 13.2 12.8 13.7 74.9 1.90 17.8
6066Turkiye Emlak Katilim BankasiTurkey2,733 120.8 1,795 136.4 2 1,572 106.1 2 207 69 53 70.7 9 72 83.3 3 41 94.8 31 70.3 10 12 79.3 10 1.6 6.5 0.6 114.2 56.6 25.7 7.6 28.0 28.3 153.7 1.27 26.6
6160Khaleeji Commercial Bank Bahrain2,696 8.1 817 -5.1 92 1,846 -2.8 85 404 50 13 -10.4 83 60 15.8 29 28 -26.8 32 128.4 6 21 L->P87 1.3 6.4 0.8 44.3 45.9 78.3 15.0 19.2 20.3 52.2 10.06 18.4
6262Islamic Bank of ThailandThailand2,583 -5.6 1,609 0.2 78 2,503 -5.2 88 -83 100 54 -11.1 84 66 -35.7 97 62 -4.4 4 -88.7 92 -81 P->L92 0.2 n.m.-3.3 64.3 93.5 18.4 n.m.-6.5 -6.5 73.5 23.24 15.0
6363Safwa Islamic BankJordan2,567 16.9 1,066 17.7 27 2,193 18.1 31 218 65 14 107.1 4 74 9.2 42 37 3.3 37 15.9 38 14 1.5 31 1.5 6.8 0.6 48.6 50.6 81.5 8.5 19.3 19.7 238.3 1.88 26.5
64-Union BankBangladesh2,431 16.3 1,915 13.2 42 1,641 15.5 39 108 85 64 23.2 23 70 14.4 31 32 9.6 38 18.9 33 12 66.3 13 1.7 11.2 0.5 116.7 46.0 8.6 4.4 6.5 11.2 97.8 2.53 7.1
6564ABC Islamic Bank Bahrain2,314 11.3 1,235 20.9 22 105 -27.9 97 293 57 35 -10.3 82 45 -3.7 78 6 -24.3 39 0.8 63 29 -23.4 55 1.8 8.7 1.3 n.m.14.3 22.8 12.7 33.7 34.7 n.m.0.00 1.0
6668Alizz Islamic Bank Oman2,248 20.4 1,835 23.5 20 1,882 14.7 42 261 61 41 7.2 50 53 8.3 44 50 14.1 4 -37.0 89 -20 L->L97 0.2 -8.9 -1.0 97.5 93.4 23.8 11.6 14.9 16.0 116.3 3.50 15.4
6765Kuwait Finance House (Malaysia) Malaysia2,136 -5.4 1,043 -12.5 95 1,118 -12.4 93 442 45 42 -15.5 87 45 -15.3 89 31 -20.8 14 1.0 61 -3 L->L97 0.6 -0.8 -0.1 93.3 69.8 6.7 20.7 35.7 36.8 98.3 7.05 60.6
6869BankIslami Pakistan Pakistan2,111 18.8 812 -1.3 83 1,651 21.4 25 128 82 77 15.8 34 86 11.7 36 54 12.4 32 10.6 45 10 42.0 15 1.7 7.8 0.5 49.2 63.0 9.9 6.1 12.3 16.1 87.2 12.07 56.3
69-Banque Al Baraka D'Algerie Algeria2,034 2.8 1,112 -4.0 88 1,376 6.0 71 230 63 66 -2.8 70 85 -18.3 93 29 -2.7 56 -24.5 81 33 -33.2 60 2.7 14.0 1.6 80.8 33.9 22.6 11.3 n.a.n.a.43.2 8.79 49.0
7067Dubai Islamic Bank PakistanPakistan1,894 14.6 1,246 12.1 44 1,336 13.3 46 154 80 74 13.0 39 87 8.2 46 44 8.3 43 8.0 51 18 -13.5 47 2.4 12.4 1.0 93.3 50.7 15.3 8.1 13.5 16.9 87.8 2.78 34.6
7171Standard Chartered Saadiq Malaysia1,863 4.7 1,066 -1.4 84 976 16.0 37 182 75 28 -3.4 71 39 10.2 39 24 4.5 15 20.4 31 2 -81.4 80 0.9 1.2 0.1 109.2 60.7 28.4 9.8 24.8 28.5 69.5 3.35 42.8
7270Bank Aceh SyariahIndonesia1,829 1.4 1,080 6.1 64 1,549 3.1 81 178 77 108 -7.1 76 116 -6.8 83 84 6.1 32 -29.3 82 23 -26.3 58 1.8 13.5 1.3 69.7 72.3 7.4 9.7 16.4 18.6 100.4 1.53 26.2
7372Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Malaysia1,774 -2.7 1,258 -4.0 89 1,303 -8.9 91 172 79 33 -16.3 88 38 -23.6 95 47 7.5 -9 P->L98 -16 P->L92 -0.6 -8.9 -1.0 96.6 124.2 12.9 9.7 11.60 18.5 350.7 0.60 17.5
7473Arab Islamic Bank Palestine1,557 22.4 945 24.7 19 1,296 26.6 18 120 84 37 1.3 62 47 2.3 62 32 -1.0 15 10.0 48 8 -11.1 43 1.1 6.9 0.6 72.9 68.1 20.2 7.7 11.8 13.4 58.4 1.51 35.4
7575Palestine Islamic BankPalestine1,511 14.9 885 14.9 35 1,165 10.5 58 123 83 42 -2.1 69 56 -3.2 76 34 -10.1 22 10.1 47 11 -23.1 54 1.6 9.3 0.8 76.0 61.3 25.1 8.2 13.3 14.6 62.8 3.85 38.4
76-AlBaraka Bank (Pakistan) Pakistan1,204 19.0 564 19.7 23 927 20.0 27 81 88 39 27.2 21 50 29.6 19 33 6.0 17 129.2 5 5 L->P87 1.6 6.0 0.4 60.9 66.1 21.2 6.8 11.2 12.9 74.4 9.77 47.7
7776Bank BTPN Syariah Indonesia1,180 6.8 629 -0.4 80 702 3.5 78 422 48 243 -10.0 81 244 -10.0 87 109 -9.6 135 -10.3 76 59 -38.9 66 12.5 15.3 5.5 89.6 44.8 0.5 35.8 48.8 49.4 466.5 1.89 42.2
7884Bank Mega SyariahIndonesia1,157 101.3 352 -18.8 97 582 29.0 16 145 81 9 -58.8 94 56 29.6 18 24 1.4 32 63.9 12 9 168.0 7 4.9 9.3 1.4 60.5 42.9 84.4 12.5 23.6 24.1 45.3 1.69 44.9
79-Syria International Islamic Bank Syria1,057 94.2 488 77.5 3 448 86.8 3 68 89 43 92.5 7 114 299.3 1 14 83.1 100 377.2 3 73 736.9 1 6.8 84.5 5.0 109.0 12.1 62.2 6.4 10.3 11.5 53.6 10.77 91.0
8077Kurdistan International Bank for Investment & Development Iraq981 14.4 2 21.1 21 415 10.9 57 431 47 -4 L->L99 27 -5.1 80 16 -39.5 11 485.9 2 9 492.0 3 1.0 1.8 0.9 0.4 59.6 n.m.43.9 n.a.n.a.36.3 42.37 210.7
8179MCB Islamic Bank Pakistan882 34.4 530 65.5 4 582 22.6 22 67 91 27 10.1 43 31 16.6 27 29 3.2 3 L->P93 1 L->P87 0.3 2.0 0.2 91.2 91.9 12.8 7.6 11.3 12.0 9.0 0.87 32.7
8278Bank Panin Dubai SyariahIndonesia811 1.5 618 6.3 62 570 -9.1 92 224 64 9 -11.6 85 15 0.2 67 15 3.3 0 -77.5 91 0 -99.0 84 0.0 0.0 0.0 108.4 99.1 43.0 27.6 30.3 31.4 81.1 3.32 14.5
8382Qatar First Bank Qatar780 -11.7 130 -51.6 100 338 -38.6 98 193 73 -3 P->L97 -12 P->L99 22 -16.8 -34 L->L99 -70 L->L97 -4.5 -42.9 -9.4 38.4 n.m.n.m.24.7 n.a.15.3 117.8 39.13 60.2
84-International Development Bank for Investment and FinanceIraq757 45.3 254 7.6 56 508 83.0 4 195 72 n.a.n.a.95 n.a.n.a.98 n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.96 n.a.n.a.91 n.a.n.a.n.a.49.9 n.a.n.a.25.8 n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.74.9
8580Bank NTB SyariahIndonesia748 20.6 457 15.1 33 532 8.7 62 100 86 -5 P->L97 33 -2.1 72 21 13.2 12 -21.6 80 9 -20.3 51 1.7 9.4 1.3 85.9 64.7 n.m.13.4 30.6 31.6 54.3 1.26 16.6
8685Bank BCA SyariahIndonesia698 12.6 353 -1.5 85 492 10.3 59 198 71 28 58.5 10 29 15.1 30 15 1.5 14 34.8 23 5 8.8 24 2.4 3.0 0.8 71.7 52.2 6.0 28.3 44.32 45.3 623.5 0.55 n.a.
8786BJB SyariahIndonesia638 15.0 402 6.3 63 478 15.1 41 87 87 25 -0.3 64 26 -1.1 70 24 -2.3 2 12.8 43 0 -76.1 79 0.4 0.4 0.0 84.1 91.5 3.2 13.6 23.7 24.1 51.6 5.28 13.1
8888Jaiz Bank Nigeria612 39.6 122 35.8 12 460 38.0 11 47 95 18 53.0 11 42 34.0 10 26 13.8 16 87.2 8 8 18.8 20 3.1 18.6 1.5 26.6 61.5 56.0 7.6 19.6 20.0 56.4 12.86 31.8
8989Albaraka Bank South Africa592 17.8 348 -4.4 90 507 20.3 26 55 94 18 -1.9 68 20 -5.1 81 16 5.5 4 -30.2 84 2 -51.5 74 0.9 4.6 0.5 68.7 78.1 11.4 9.3 12.0 17.4 18.3 3.81 43.6
90-Iraqi Islamic Bank For Investment & DevelopmentIraq552 3.1 93 -28.7 98 168 -13.1 94 198 70 4 -0.4 65 25 9.6 41 10 -6.8 15 24.0 29 13 27.6 18 2.3 5.4 1.9 55.4 39.8 85.9 35.9 n.a.55.0 n.a.n.a.112.9
9187Amana Bank Sri Lanka539 15.7 337 8.4 55 450 16.7 35 67 90 19 9.1 46 23 -0.5 69 16 -5.3 7 12.5 44 2 0.6 34 1.4 3.8 0.5 74.9 69.9 18.4 12.4 15.65 17.4 112.6 2.34 38.7
92-Cihan Bank for Islamic Investment and FinanceIraq487 12.4 131 224.8 1 264 27.3 17 193 74 n.a.n.a.95 n.a.n.a.98 17 16.6 n.a.n.a.96 3 561.5 2 n.a.1.2 0.5 49.6 n.a.n.a.39.6 n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.107.8
9391Bank Syariah BukopinIndonesia375 -22.5 277 -14.6 96 149 -59.1 100 64 92 8 -27.6 91 13 -4.8 79 10 -11.2 2 42.2 18 0 -92.3 82 0.6 0.0 0.0 185.6 82.1 40.7 17.1 21.2 22.2 49.0 7.65 12.6
9493Gulf African BankKenya345 7.2 189 -8.7 93 274 7.7 65 46 96 20 11.3 42 27 6.8 52 18 6.1 9 8.1 50 4 135.7 8 2.6 8.1 1.1 69.1 66.7 24.9 13.4 n.a.19.0 n.a.n.a.47.3
9594Safa BankPalestine321 35.3 175 59.6 5 203 51.7 8 58 93 4 2.5 59 5 14.1 32 9 7.0 -3 L->L100 -5 L->L97 -1.3 -7.7 -1.7 85.9 164.7 19.6 18.1 27.5 28.8 57.2 2.26 43.5
96-Maldives Islamic Bank Maldives284 16.0 142 3.8 70 221 15.3 40 40 97 12 13.5 37 16 1.8 64 8 6.3 8 -2.4 69 5 -10.4 42 3.0 12.7 1.8 64.5 51.2 25.9 13.9 18.2 22.2 37.7 5.31 54.3
97-Al Janoob Islamic Bank for Investment and FinanceIraq272 13.4 75 26.3 17 60 33.6 15 172 78 5 198.6 1 9 56.3 5 8 64.9 1 16.1 37 0 314.9 4 0.4 0.2 0.1 123.5 86.9 43.2 63.4 n.a.78.0 n.a.n.a.162.9
98-Elaf Islamic BankIraq209 -12.1 77 -31.8 99 17 -48.5 99 181 76 -0 L->L99 14 148.4 2 5 12.7 9 550.1 1 3 275.7 5 3.3 1.4 1.1 448.7 33.9 n.m.86.6 n.a.111.0 n.a.n.a.207.2
9995First Community BankKenya201 16.3 116 27.3 15 172 16.7 34 19 99 8 17.1 27 12 6.8 51 10 -25.5 3 L->P93 2 -2.8 38 1.5 11.2 1.0 67.1 79.0 31.5 9.3 4.8 9.3 n.a.n.a.37.2
100-Al Jazeera Sudanese Jordanian BankSudan171 49.0 70 46.8 7 128 65.2 6 28 98 14 30.7 18 18 26.7 20 10 52.8 8 3.5 56 5 -1.3 36 5.2 19.8 3.5 54.7 56.8 18.4 16.5 n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.51.2

Notes: (1) In the change in income and profit columns, P->L: profit to loss; L->P: loss to profit; L->L: loss to loss. (2) n.a.: not available; n.m.; not meaningful.
Source: TABInsights, S&P Global Market Intelligence