SWIFT’s Julien Blanchez, Head of Data and Analytics, looks at the central role of data in supporting the move to real-time payments.
As a pioneer in the Chinese asset management industry with a 20-year history, Harvest Fund is focusing on “ideas” to create sustainable…
The new global language for financial communications is very much a work in progress. Nancy So of
Deutsche Bank assesses how banks…
With the aim to become the ‘bank of the future’, OCBC’s innovation lab ‘The Open Vault ’is leveraging emerging technologies, actively…
DBS has improved its digital customer experience by making most branch banking transactions digital though it s Video Teller Machines
Deustche Bank discusses the challenges and solutions to enhance cross-border payments with leading transaction bankers from key Asian…
TMB has introduced a new video conferencing technology to help them interact better with their customers.
The bank sees advice and…
Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, traced the evolution of the Web that he created. How its existence as a free and open…
Ralph Echemendia, a world-renowned cybersecurity specialist, who is known as “The Ethical Hacker”, and chief executive officer of security…
Kristo Kaarmann, co-founder and chief executive officer of TransferWise, a UK-based peer-to-peer money transfer service company, shares…
Daniel Hoyoung Yun, chief executive officer of South Korea’s Kakao Bank, shares a background on the development of the internet-only…
Cedric Jeanson, chief executive officer and founder of BitSpread, a blockchain asset hedgefund, discusses the company’s investment…