
Who can participate?

TalentBank Asia is open to institutions such as banks, regulatory bodies, insurance companies, asset management companies, finance companies, central banks and securities companies.

We encourage financial institutions to send teams that represent a combination of employees at different levels in the organisation and from different departments working  together – demonstrating the harmony within the organisation.

What are the types of performances?

Dance, sing, act, comedy, magic show, etc.

How to participate?

Fill out the online registration form here and submit your video

The Asian Banker may conduct city-level auditions if there are multiple high quality submissions from a country. In countries where the decision can be made without an audition in the main city, The Asian Banker will directly inform the shortlisted teams.

Shortlisted teams will move on to the the finale, TalentBank Asia, which will be held in Singapore on June 10, 2017 in conjuction with the Future of Finance Summit. Shortlisted participants whose accommodations are undertaken by The Asian Banker must join at least one of the conferences at The Future of Finance Summit.

How to win?

Check the judging criteria here

Want to ask more?

Contact us at